Friday, March 1, 2013

Island in the Sun is a lyrical recollection of a Jamaican childhood.  Harry Belafonte and Lord Burgess take us through Jamaica in the form of a song.  We are shown tires of family, history, and a warming and homey environment.  Culture is an important part of growing up.  Belafonte and Burgess teach the lesson in a fun and interactive way for children to understand.  Ayliffe illustrates in vibrant colors to give us the feel that we are experiencing this Jamaican culture.

I think a great activity to do with students would to read the book aloud and point out various differences between their culture and the Jamaican one shared with us in the story.  After we read it aloud, we would then sing the book and create our own drums to drum along.  Understanding and respecting all cultures is crucial to developing friendships.  Island in the Sun shares a culture we are not use to seeing and provides a new aspect of understanding.  


  1. This book sounds great to teach diversity.Just by the characters names alone it represents what the book is going to be about. I love how your activity invovles the use of music, are you in the muse 298? Like you said the lesson of culture is extremely important.

  2. Shannon, Your activity with the book inspired me. What a fun way to explore another culture with an elementary class! Thanks!
