Friday, March 8, 2013

Chato is the coolest car in the barrio, and he LOVES to party.  He later finds out that his best "cat" friend, Novio Boy, has never had a birthday party.  Chato and his party animal friends begin to throw a surprise party for Novio Boy.  He gets decorations, makes a pinata, and even finds a friend to DJ.  Chato bought the best "cat crunchies, dog biscuits, and extra kitty litter just in case."  Everyone began arriving for the party but Novio Boy was nowhere to be found.  Chato and the Party Animals searched all over town for him, and they still couldn't find him.  They all come to the conclusion that Novio Boy has been kidnapped.  Just as they began to cry, Novio Boy pops in!  "This is the best party I've ever been to.  You guys are mi familia.  You're the best." Novio Boy said.  

Gary Soto provided us a glossary of words on the first page.  He incorporates Spanish into the text such as el barrio, which mean neighborhood.  This is a fun way to help students see diversity within culture and the different type of fiestas!  Susan Guevara paints vibrant images and uses lines to portray excitement. Chato and the Party Animals is a great book to teach students the importance of friendship and celebration.  I recommend this book for third grade and up.  You could even do a short Spanish lesson before reading it aloud!

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