Friday, February 1, 2013

"There's nothing like a wedding, and this book about a wedding is not like any other..." Maya, the flower girl, shows us the view of her cousin's wedding through her lens.  This fun story depicts the wedding from the view of a child's photographs.  The excitement is shared from the flowers in her hair to the alter boy's dirty sneaker peeking from his robe to the kiss that lasted longer than Maya wanted to look.  Maya did not leave a single detail out.

Gary Soto did a wonderful job sharing a child's perspective of a wedding by leaving his readers smiling at the accuracy.  Stephanie Garcia, the illustrator, used three dimensional clay figures, to portray Maya's pictures.  

I think this book is perfect for students to compare and contrast various experiences they have had at weddings.  Maya and her family come from a Mexican background providing a diverse culture for students to understand as well.  Snapshots from the Wedding is a great book for all ages! "It was a wedding to remember." 


  1. I thought this book was adorable. It is interesting to see a kids point of view from a wedding. The way children view things is a lot different from adults. It is important to pay attention to their opinions and viewpoints. An activity that we could do with the kids after reading this book is telling them to think of something that adults and children might think differently about. Then they could write a little story with pictures on how they view it and share it with the class.

  2. This sounds like a cute book. I agree with what Makayla said about how children have different view points than adults, and it's important to show that viewpoint. It is also important that children understand that something as common as a wedding can be different based on cultural traditions/aspects. This would be a very good book for teaching students about different cultures as well as the difference in perspectives between children and adults.

  3. I just got married and my husband has a daughter so this book caught my eye. It's cool how children see things so differently than adults. It would be cool to have a discussion with children about different events that they experienced, not just weddings. Even though we see certain events such as weddings, birthdays, being the same, they can differ between cultures. This is a concept i don't hunk a lot of kids understand.
