Friday, February 8, 2013

I absolutely LOVED this book!  Clara and Samson are planning Clara's birthday party when they decide to have a piñata.  "Hooray, a piñata!" they shouted.  They venture down to the piñata store where Clara chooses a puppy piñata, which she later names Lucky.  Clara and Lucky do everything together from digging holes to going to Grandma's house.  She has so much fun with Lucky that she does not want anyone to break him at her birthday party.  Thankfully, Samson has a plan for that and comes to the rescue.  

Elisa Kleven, author and illustrator, does a fantastic job of adding color and excitement through the words and detailed pictures.  This is also a perfect book to engage your classroom with through analyzation and raising questions of what they believe will happen next.

Kleven not only made this book enjoyable for all ages, but showed the value of friendship.  I think students would enjoy designing their own piñata to "mash and smash and break and watch the candy fall!"


  1. This book looks adorable. I really like your idea of having the kids make their own piñatas, it would be a fun art project for them to do.

  2. I like that this book is a celebration of diversity! That is something that should be valued in all classrooms. I also really like that friendship is such a major theme in this story. This book can teach students that no matter where you come from culturally, they can all be friends.

  3. I like the idea that the author made Clara befriend an object. This is a very common thing for children to do. I think it is interesting how the author finds a way to resolve the problem. This story is a great representation of a child and the bonds they tend to form.
